Friday, July 13, 2007

Hampton in Timmins

Ontario NDP leader Howard Hampton fired some pre-election shots at the McGuinty liberals today when he said Queen’s Park has failed to provide an energy policy that would rescue the ailing forest industry. Hampton spoke at the plant gate of the Grant Forest Products mill in Timmins where more than one hundred workers have been locked out for ten months. Hampton says it's no surprise that forestry mills continue to operate in Manitoba, where the electricity is three cents per kilowatt-hour while in Ontario the rate is more than six cents per kilowatt hour. Hampton also chided the government for not pushing Grant Forest Products to get back to the bargaining table in Timmins.
For more community news about Timmins and area be sure to check your latest copy of the Timmins Times.


  1. The Times needs to go beyond what the Daily Press is doing...too much of the same old thing...who wants to read the same story when it's 4-5 days old.

  2. Thanks for reading and thanks for checking our Blog. We believe we are different. Check out our stories. They're in-depth and detailed. Keep reading. You'll see. Editor.
