Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Grant and union may begin talks

The Timmins Times has learned there is a possibility that contract talks may be re-instated in the labour dispute between Grant Forest Products and Local 37-X of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada.
More than 100 unionized employees of the Grant OSB mill in Timmins have been off the job since September 9th , when the employees were locked out by Grant. Contract talks have not been held since that time.
CEP Local 37-X president Rick Racine said he received a phone call from mill manager Bob Cloutier requesting a letter from the union to ask that talks be re-instated.
“That’s about the best news I can get right now,” said Racine.
He said he has sent the letter to the company formally requesting both sides get back to the table. Racine said late Tuesday he had not heard a reply from the company, but that he was hopeful.
“We are sure hoping something good can come out of this and we can all get back to work by late summer or early fall,” said Racine.

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