Monday, October 6, 2008

Museum consultants announce short list

Consultants for the Diamond and Schmitt architectural firm have come up with a short list for five locations for a new $12 million Timmins Arts and Heritage Centre, which is the building being suggested as the replacement for the old Timmins Museum and National Exhibition Centre.
The old museum building on Legion Drive in South Porcupine had to be closed in 2006 due to water and mould problems in the 25 year old building.
The locations on the short list for a new building include: 1 - Highway 101 by snow dump beside the Whitney Arena, 2 - on Highway 101 between the Whitney Arena and Northern College, 3 - Bruce Avenue across from the Spruce Hill Lodge, 4 - on highway 101 beside the McIntyre Arena and 5 - on Algonquin Boulevard at the old Doran’s Brewery site.
In terms of scoring the best site location by the consulting team, the McIntyre site topped the list with 36 out of a total of 40 points. Next on the list was the Doran’s site with 35 points, the Whitney snow dump with 30 points, the Whitney arena site near the college at 30 points and the Bruce Avenue site, near Spruce Hill Lodge at 25 points.
The architects have laid out plans for a 28,000 square foot building that will include room for the museum and exhibition centre, room the Timmins Symphony Orchestra as well as community spaces for numerous other arts and culture groups.
Regardless of what site council eventually chooses, the final decision on the project will be whether enough money can be raised to pay for it. As a publicly funded city-owned building, the new Timmins Arts and Heritage Centre at $12 million will likely be the most expensive City project ever undertaken.

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