Friday, August 29, 2008

Timmins chamber continues advocacy role

Timmins businessman, Rob Galloway, is looking forward to his year as the new president of the Timmins Chamber of Commerce so that the organization can continue its advocacy role, especially in the case of proposed changes to the Ontario Mining Act.
“Right now we’re working with the TEDC (Timmins Economic Development Corporation) and the city, to put together our comments on paper to the review process and we have until October 15 when that closes,” Galloway told Timmins reporters this week.
Galloway is referring to the plan by the Ontario government to overhaul the Mining Act insofar as it affects the exploration process for things such as prospecting, staking claims and carrying out diamond drill exploration work.
He added that the chamber is canvassing larger corporate members such as local mining companies to be sure their comments and concerns are included. “It’s critical for Timmins,” he said. “It’s the biggest industry we have obviously. Things are going very well at the moment and that’s good news. But we want to make sure that continues,” said Galloway.
He added that the chamber wants to be certain that any changes to the act work for the mining industry and the mining exploration industry.
“We also want it to work the for First Nations communities that we have close links with,” said Galloway.
He added that the mining concern will be more than apparent at the Chamber’s annual meeting on October 1, when Chris Hodgson, the president of the Ontario Mining Association will be a guest speaker.
That dinner will also be the final official function for outgoing chamber president Marilyn Wood, who says she is pleased with what has been accomplished in the past year. Business advocacy and information sharing are the two issues that Wood believes were the best part of her tenure as chamber president. She also conceded that the work of the chamber has raised its profile in the city.
“I think that we have definitely raised the profile because we have been able to supply very high quality information and have done a lot of research and background work,” said Wood.
“I think our businesses at the very least look to us for an opinion and that opinion always takes into account how the businesses will be impacted by various decisions at various government levels,” she added.
“Often they are opinions on political issues and so it may appear that its political but I think its more it is a response to the politics.”

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