Friday, June 27, 2008

Timmins miner's memorial dedication Tuesday

After nearly ten years of planning and fundraising, the new Porcupine Miners Memorial becomes a reality on Canada Day.
That’s when the local organizers will gather for a dedication of the monument, located at the McIntyre Schumacher Lions park on McIntyre Road, at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday.
“The monument, I have been assured, will be up at that time and we hope to have a large group of people out to witness the dedication,” said memorial committee president Robert Calhoun on Thursday. “Because it is being held in the old McIntyre Mines Park, we encourage people to bring a lawn chair.”
He said the McIntyre Park location was chosen not only because the McIntyre Mine was one of the original major gold properties in Timmins but also because the park has become a popular gathering spot for the community.
“We congratulate the Lions Club on putting that park back together and letting us be part of the redevelopment,” said Calhoun.
“The reason it has taken so long is because we had to raise $250 thousand in cash. That falls short of what it really cost us to put it up. There are a number of construction contractors who came to our rescue, providing concrete, steel, gravel and personnel …and they dug the hole.”
Calhoun said the Trillium Foundation gave start up money for the project as part of a millennium project.
“That was eight years ago,” Calhoun recalled. “We have been working diligently since that time.” He said the overall cost is close to $400,000.
The monument is described as a memorial to those who died, a monument to the families that survived and a tribute to those who continue. One aspect of the memorial will be a plaque containing the names of the hundreds of hardrock miners who died in the workplace in Timmins.
“ I would hope that we never have to add another name, but if another name needs to be added, that will be done,” said Calhoun.

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