Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Murder Investigation Update

The Timmins Police Service is not revealing the specific cause of death in the case of an alleged murder, which was discovered in the city last week other than to say there was obvious trauma to the victim’s head and face.
“We are not releasing further information, pending the final pathology report and that could take some time,” said Timmins Police Sergeant Martin Wallingford Tuesday.
Timmins Police revealed Saturday that 31-year-old Ronald Timothy Demers Jr. of Timmins, is charged with the first degree murder of 43-year-old Marc George Veilleux, also of Timmins. Both men were known to each other and police say both men had been known to spend time with each other. Demers is being held in custody at the Monteith Correctional Centre. There is no word on a bail application.
Police say Veilleux’s body was discovered by police in the evening of Wednesday June 11 in a heavily wooded area in Deloro Township in the southern portion of the city, based on a tip off provided to police.
Police could not comment on how that information was received. Police also said the death was ”suspicious in nature.”
Sgt. Richard Blanchette, the major crimes case manager, told the Saturday morning news conference that “police believe that the deceased died in and around June 4, 2008 and his remains were actually found by the police on June 11.”
Blanchette said the discovery of the body led to the quick arrest of Demers. Police said they had been tipped off to Veilleux’s disappearance by concerned friends.Asked by The Timmins Times why the police regarded the death “suspicious in nature” lead investigator Const. Danny Charest said “the coroner attended the scene, and that was his call that it was suspicious. I can say there was obvious signs of trauma.”
Charest also revealed that the body was found in an area where it was not concealed, but the general area was significantly remote. Police also believe the actual killing occurred in the remote area where the body was found in Deloro Township.
“Investigation shows the murder would have occurred at the scene, at the location,” Charest told reporters.
Charest said he could not comment on exactly what might have prompted the killing, but he ruled out street crime.
“Investigation shows there is no link to any sort of drug activity or any sort of gang activity or anything of that nature,” Charest said.
In a statement released Tuesday, police said the post mortem examination of Veilleux was completed in Sudbury on Monday. “The examination revealed that Mr Veilleux suffered obvious trauma to the head and facial area.”
Charest also revealed that police retrieved what they believe is the weapon used in the killing.
“We do have an indication there was a weapon used. We had the dive team in there, the OPP dive team, to assist us in retrieving the weapon. We have retrieved the weapon at this point. Charest would not comment on what police believe the murder weapon was.
Police would not reveal how they came to regard Demers as a suspect but once they did, he was placed under surveillance.
Police says Demers was kept under surveillance until it was decided to make the arrest, which occurred on the Porcupine Lake Bridge at 11 minutes after midnight on Thursday morning. The Timmins Emergency Response Team carried out that arrest. Police would not reveal why the arrest was done in that manner, in that place.
Charest said the arrest went smoothly. “Everything went down without incident. Nobody was injured as a result,” he said.
Charest says the investigation is continuing and police still have search warrants to be executed in various locations, but he would not say when or where.

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