Thursday, June 12, 2008

Human remains discovered in Timmins

Timmins Police are investigating the discovery of human remains in a heavily wooded area near Gold Lake, off of Pine Street South, about 12 kilometres south of the city center. The discovery was revealed to police Wednesday evening. The Timmins Police Service says it is “treating the found human remains as suspicious at this time.”
Police were on the scene Wednesday night and all day Thursday. It is expected that investigators will continue to be on the scene today as well, as they search the area where the remains were discovered.
At press time, police had not revealed the nature of the remains, whether they were male or female, or whether the remains were relatively new. Also involved the search are members of the Porcupine Area Search and Rescue, who could not comment on their role in the search.
Timmins police investigators are being assisted at the scene by Ontario Provincial Police detectives and forensics investigators.
There have been missing persons reported by police in the past year, but there have been no searches in the south end of the city.
There have been extensive searches in the past two years in the area of the Deloro landfill site, also on Pine Street south, not far from Gold Lake.
The searches in the landfill site were carried out by police acting on information on the disappearance of Pamela Jayne Holopainen. No body was ever found.
Holopainen was the subject of an extensive search by Timmins Police and OPP back in 2003. The 22-year-old Schumacher woman was last seen leaving a house party of December 15, 2003.
Upon investigation police decided to treat her disappearance as suspicious. The Ontario government has offered a $50,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction for the persons responsible for disappearance or death of Holopainen.

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