Friday, June 27, 2008

Angus wants Black to give up Order of Canada

Timmins-James Bay MP Charlie Angus is once again calling on the Governor General to remove Conrad Black from the Order of Canada. Black lost an appeal of his fraud and obstruction of justice convictions Wednesday and will have to serve out his sentence in a Florida prison.
Angus says it’s time for Black to lose his honour. "He's not a citizen of Canada, and he's lost his appeal, so I think they should move quickly, and have this dealt with. I remain deeply concerned that Mr. Black continuing to hold our country's highest civilian honour undermines its integrity and greatness.”
In a letter to the Chancellery of Honours at Rideau Hall, Angus said he's concerned about the effect on Canada's highest honour of Black remaining a member of the order. “He was convicted on 3 counts of fraud and 1 of obstruction of justice. His appeal that he and other executives were entitled to so-called non-compete fees was rejected by the judicial panel. Enough is enough and it’s time for Canada to take another look at this honour.”
Angus made the request that Black be stripped last year following his convictions in the U-S.
The Chancellery of Honours has a policy that considers terminating appointments to the Order of Canada if that person "has been convicted of a criminal offence."

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