Friday, May 2, 2008

McIntyre Committee names Pupich as chair

The Mayor’s Ad Hoc Committee on the future of the McIntyre Community Building held it’s second meeting by taking an extensive tour of the building Wednesday night.
“It was a real good tour that took well over two hours so the people could familiarize themselves with some of the challenges,” Mayor Tom Laughren told The Timmins Times this week.
The Mayor’s committee was formed earlier this year at the recommendation of the city’s administration which noted that the building continues to be a drain on the city treasury.
In a detailed report to city council in February, city clerk Jack Watson advised “the average annual deficit between 2002 and 2006 was $522,000”.
He added that the projected deficit for 2007 would be $500,000.
Watson told council that even though major cost savings had been put in place, “the Mac” still didn’t generate enough revenue to pay its heat and hydro bills.
Despite that, the mayor says the Ad Hoc Committee is not looking to shut the building down.
“Oh no, no, this is a committee that’s looking at how we can better the facility,” Laughren said. “There’s nobody talking that, there’s nobody around the council table talking that.”
Laughren said the group is a forward thinking committee with positive ideas.
“We’re looking at how can we improve, we have a love for the McIntyre. We’ve talked a lot about the history of the McIntyre. This is something that for sure we don’t want to lose.” Laughren said.
Laughren says the first meeting was to brainstorm on ideas to produce more revenue, the second meeting was the complete tour of the building and the next meeting will include a full financial report from city treasurer Bernie Christian.
The members of the Mayor’s committee includes Ward Three City Councillor Bill Gvozdanovich, Ed Pupich, Keith Grenke, Ted Zajac, Perry Rinaldo. Darlene Polowy and Aimie Rivard. Other members of the committee are Mayor Tom Laughren, city administrator Joe Torlone and city clerk Jack Watson.
At Wednesday’s meeting, Pupich was named chair of the committee and Polowy was named vice-chair.

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