Thursday, April 24, 2008

Timmins flood warning for Mattagami River

An official flood warning for the Mattagami River has been issued. It came late Thursday afternoon as Members of the Upper Mattagami Water Management Committee continued to monitor the flow of the river.
The water is higher because of all the snowmelt in the bush between Timmins and Gogama.
A statement issued Thursday afternoon said “water levels on the Mattagami River are expected to rise an additional 4 inches (10 cm) over the next 24 hours as upstream storages are adjusted to accommodate high inflows. Low lying properties next to the Mattagami River will be affected.”
“Although water levels on some of the major rivers upstream of Timmins have started to subside, forecast wet weather in the coming days could lead to further increases in stream flows.”
“As part of its flood response plan City officials will be contacting those landowners located nearest the river to ensure that they are prepared should flood waters start affecting their property,” the news release concluded.

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