Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Timmins to provide wireless hotspots

Wireless internet users will soon be able to find more on-ramps to the information highway in Timmins.
The city is planning to set up 25 wireless internet access points at city-owned facilities throughout Timmins.
In a report accepted by council, information technology manager David Laneville explained that partnering with NEOnet would allow the service to be set up “with little or no additional costs” for the city.
Laneville said all city facilities, such as the arenas, city hall, Shania Twain Centre and even the McIntyre Coffee Shop are already hardwired for internet service. He said it would be a matter of setting up wireless routers in those areas that would provide the service to those with wireless laptops or other portable devices.
Laneville says the project depends on a funding application submitted by NEOnet to higher levels of government. He said any incidental costs could be easily absorbed into the existing budget.
City council members endorsed the idea. Coun. Gary Scripnick said parents or visiting hockey fans would be able to go watch a game and get caught up on e-mails and other internet activities.
“I think this is a fabulous thing. I hope council supports it,” he said.
Coun. Steve Adams said he could see the benefit for tourists and visiting business people in being able to access their computers throughout the city.
Laneville said the service would be provided free to the public, unlike the way it is done in most of downtown Toronto, where wireless services now have a fee.
Laneville explained that when there is a fee for the service there is the expectation that the service will operate everywhere, without fail.
He said Timmins is not yet equipped to provide that level of service.

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