Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Timmins storm. Signs of winter.

Timmins got a bit of holiday today, thanks to the big winter storm. Deep cold and heavy winds caused blowing snow and white-out conditions. For some city residents, it was no holiday as many living in outlying areas of the city were left with no electricity when power lines were blown down. Hydro One says it expects to have power restored to all areas around Timmins before midnight.
The Timmins Square shopping centre decided to shut its doors at 1:00 p.m. City hall followed suit and shut down non-essential operations by 1:30 p.m. As local schools began sending students home early, many business operations also shut down early so that workers could get home.
Surprisingly, there have been only minor traffic mishaps. Most residents seem to be taking advice from the police and are staying off the roads. The photo above shows Third Avenue, the main drag downtown, during the noon hour.

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